A.D Training
Course Information - HLTAID001Provide Cardiopumonary Resuscitation
Blood borne Pathogens
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Course Description
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV are three blood borne diseases which are a concern in the workplace, but what is a blood borne disease? How can it be passed from one person to another? What can you do to reduce your risk of exposure? And what should you do if you may have been exposed to a blood borne disease?
Course Content
The program covers: a definition of bloodborne pathogens; hepatitis C; hepatitis B; HIV/AIDS; how infection occurs; control of hazards; clean up of blood and body fluid spills; use of gloves and hand washing, what to do if you have been exposed.
Assessment Tasks
An assessment task of 10 multiple choice questions and answers willl be discussed in class.
Each candidate will receive a Certificate of Completion.