A.D Training
Course Information - HLTAID001Provide Cardiopumonary Resuscitation
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
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Course Description
Our ability to hear is important to us in many ways. By far the most important aspect of our hearing is the ability it gives us to hear other people speak. It enables us to interact with people, to listen, to learn, and to easily communicate. The object of this program is to explain the major hazard areas associated with noise and to increase awareness of noise issues in the workplace. 'Noise Induced Hearing Loss' strongly reinforces the fact that once hearing is damaged by noise it cannot be repaired, however the program also reinforces the point that Noise Induced Hearing Loss is preventable.
Course Content
This program covers: causes of hearing loss; noise induced hearing loss - the basic facts; what damage is done to the ear; basic facts about sound and noise; the hearing test & audiogram; noise control measures; hearing protection
Assessment Tasks
An assessment task of 10 multiple choice questions and answers willl be discussed in class.
Each candidate will receive a Certificate of Completion.