A.D Training
Course Information - HLTAID001Provide Cardiopumonary Resuscitation
The Prevention of Eye Injuries
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Course Description
Of all the senses sight is perhaps the one we rely on most and the one that can be the most devastating when damaged or lost. This program attempts to raise the level of awareness about eye safety in workplaces where eye injury hazards are common.
Course Content
The objetives of this program are to bring about: an understanding of the basic structure of the human eye and of how sensitive and vulnerale it is to injury; a greater awareness of the diferent kinds of eye injury hazards that exist; a greater awareness of the various control measures that can be used to reduce the liklihood of serious eye injuries occurring; an understanding of the two roles of PPE for eye protection; a greater level of knowledge of first aid measures to be taken in the event of an eye injury; a heightened awareness of the issue of eye injury hazards and safety in general.
Assessment Tasks
An assessment task of 10 multiple choice questions and answers willl be discussed in class.
Each candidate will receive a Certificate of Completion.